
My name is Geoffrey Lesne. I am the developer behind Str8lines.
With a background in science and specialized in organic chemistry, I spent few years working as a lab technicien.
I couldn't stand the long periods of job hunting or having a job that didn't allow me to use my skills.
I wanted to have something more accessible and stable.
At that time, being a diligent gamer, I heard about Unity and started exploring game programming.
That's why I decided to change my career and during almost 3 years as a startup employee, I gained experience in web development and game development.
That's when I decided to start the Str8lines adventure.
I've always loved audiovisual arts, discovering and exploring entirely new worlds that can bring out a wide range of emotions and thoughts.
That's what Str8lines is all about, dreams and entertainment. I create tools for developers, games and more.

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If you wish to support me you can either buy my creations or make a donation.